Friday, February 19, 2010

Darkness and Light

1 John chapter 1 tells us that we should not associate with darkness. When we have fellowship with Jesus then we are walking in the light. If we walk in darkness then we are having fellowship with the world and with Satan or evil. We were once walking in darkness but when Jesus saved us we passed from death to life and at the same time we crossed over from darkness to light. We were once part of the world, now we should make sure that we stand apart from the world. We should stand out like lights because Jesus is light. Just like a city on a hill that can't be hidden, as we are here on earth we should be lights that can't be hidden. Yet so many times we want to turn our lights on and off depending on where we are, who we are with and what we are doing. We treat Jesus like He is a toothbrush. When we need to be clean we take Him out of the holder and use Him, when we are finished we put Him back until the next time we need Him. It doesn't matter how much we think we need Him, the truth is we always need Him. Without Him we would be nothing and would always live in darkness. We think we have got it all figured out but we are nothing without Him, so we should keep Him at the head of our lives so that other people can see Jesus in us. We could lead so many people by example, but we have to make the decision. Are we going to keep the light on all the time or turn it on just when we need Jesus to help us. The decision is ours. If we are His then it should be an easy decision to make. Be a light in a dark and hopeless world because our light given to us by Jesus just might change someones life.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Psalm 97:10

Psalm 97:10 says You who love the Lord, hate evil. We who love the Lord hate evil. Do we really hate evil? I would like to think that if we call ourselves Christians that we would hate evil. So if we hate evil then why do we participate in it? You may be thinking that you don't, but the truth is that most of us do. A lot of times we gossip and tell some one's business and call it prayer requests. We tell lies to the people we love, we have affairs, we make shady deals so we can make money, we drink alcohol to be drunk, we steal, we talk bad about others, and there is more but for the sake of typing I'll stop with those. Have you seen yourself in any of these that have been mentioned? If you have you have practiced evil. Sometimes we participate in evil and don't even know it. We call it pride, and when we take pride in ourselves that is when it becomes evil. Any pride we have should be put in Jesus, the One who died a horrible death so we wouldn't have to. So how do we stop participating in evil? Well that is simple, we must fully surrender to Jesus and let Him do with out lives what He wants to do. When we fully surrender to God we become sold out followers of Jesus. We can then live lives of faith, wisdom, truth and worship. When evil comes up in our lives we will be able to recognize it, rebuke it and keep following Jesus. So to all that truly love the Lord, fully surrender to Him so we can really hate evil and turn from it. Be followers of Jesus, not the world.