Psalm Chapter 87 verse 9 says "You rule the raging sea; when its waves surge You still them." After you read this verse sit back and reflect on what you just read. Take a look at the picture to the left. That is an image of a somewhat raging sea. We serve a God that can calm the seas. He also told the water where to stop, He placed the sun in a certain place as well as the moon, but to think that when a sea is raging violently God can calm it in an instant. This is the same God that sent His son Jesus to die for us. So as I sit here thinking about the power God has to calm the raging sea, I wonder why so many times we think God can't control our lives. A lot of times we try to control our own lives. We want to do what we want to do and that is it, we don't want help from anyone else and a lot of times we don't think we need help from anyone else. If we would all fully surrender to Gods power and let Him control every aspect of our lives, then I have to think that just like a raging sea that He can calm, He would also calm our lives. This doesn't mean everything will be perfect with us but we will have a peace when we face storms in our lives because we will be focused on Jesus. Jesus is not an author of confusion or chaos but of peace (1 Corinthians 14:33). He wants peace in our lives, but for that to happen we have to surrender to Him and let Him control our lives. Just like that raging sea that was stilled, our lives can be the same way. Lets let Him use His power in our lives so we can live lives of praise and worship filled hearts.
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